5 Amazing iPad Apps to Help You Reach Your Goals

Setting goals is always fun and exciting, but the actual following through is where most of us get stuck or even make us give up entirely. It can feel like there are so many options out there for goal setting, and who knows where to begin? Personally, I love to initially write down all of my goals and habits in my planner. The Undated Flourish Digital Planner is great for this because there are specific templates for setting goals, tracking habits, meal planning, etc. Then, once you have your goals in one central place, you can choose a fun goal-setting app to help gamify the process of actually reaching your goals or sticking with your habits.

Here are 5 goal-setting apps worth trying to help you reach your goals.

Click Up

Click Up is a great option if you're primarily looking for an app to help you reach work or professional goals. And what’s useful is that you can use the app whether you’re a one-woman show working for yourself or are part of a large team. This app will help you to set clear targets for your work priorities and you can easily manage all of your goals in one central place. This makes things super convenient and streamlined.

Photo Via: Apple App Store


If you’re the person in your family or friend group who is always playing games, then you’ll love this choice, and it might be the best goal-setting app for you. Whether you’re a student who has trouble getting into a routine or someone struggling with ADHD, Habitica takes off the pressure and lets you work towards your goals while having fun at the same time. Essentially, you will begin by creating an avatar and will then add goals or tasks that you would like to work on. Once you complete one of your tasks, you can check it off in the app and then will receive gold, experience, and a variety of items that can be used in the game.

Photo Via: Apple App Store


When you first check out the ATracker app you’ll see that they believe that, “life is precious and so is your time. And keeping that in mind, ATRacker is here to help you achieve more of your goals, build a sustainable habit, and boost your productivity to a new height.” This app will help you start tracking your time so that you can get clear on where your time is currently going. Then, based on what you see in the app, you can make changes so that how you’re using your time truly aligns with your goals and priorities in life. You can even create reports to show your progress with your goals.

Photo Via: Apple App Store

Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker is a super streamlined app that will appeal to any minimalists out there that are looking for a clean and simple design. Also, if you thrive when you have outside accountability, you’ll love that this is the first habit app to let you build habits with your friends so you can encourage each other and kindly hold them accountable when necessary. You’ll also receive reminders to keep working on your goals so make sure you’re committed and ready to follow through! The app will even give you suggestions for habits that you can try which is helpful if you’re not sure where to start. Then, as you get going you’ll receive graphs to show you the progress that you’ve been making which you're bound to love. When you can see your progress you’re much more likely to keep going.

Photo Via: Apple App Store


Productive is another great goals app worth trying! The app's motto is, “Build good habits that will change your life.” You can completely design a goals plan that will work for you, as you can start, stop, or pause the habits you’re working on at any time. The app even offers helpful weekly challenges which is a fun way to keep yourself motivated. And if you love design or customization, you can choose the colors you want and icons to go along with each one. And lastly, the Productive app uses streaks to help you measure your progress so that you can see how far you’ve come.

Photo Via: Apple App Store

Now, if you’re a student and are looking for goal-setting apps for students, Productive, Habit Tracker, ATracker, and Habitica would all be good options for you. Wherever you are in your life, remember that habits truly have the power to change your life. Reading for 10 minutes before bed, or tracking your water intake might seem like small life changes, but over the course of days, weeks, and years, it’s the little habits like these that will allow you to truly Flourish.