5 Books to Help You Choose and Start a Side Hustle

Today it seems like every millennial has a side hustle! Maybe you’ve thought about starting a side hustle for years but aren’t sure what would be a good fit, or even how to go about getting started. You might become an influencer, blogger, YouTuber, shop owner, coach, etc. The options are truly endless. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or are looking to transition to something new, books can be a great and affordable resource to come up with a solid idea, and start taking action now.
Here are 5 books to help you choose and start a side hustle.
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days
By Chris Guillebeau
If you’re new to side hustling, you will learn so much from Chris Guillebeau as he is the king of side hustling. If you like this book, you can also check out his well-known podcast called Side Hustle School. For anyone looking for a step-by-step guide, this is it. You’ll find exercises and questions to ask yourself to come up with a solid business idea. Then, you’ll learn the tools and steps you need to take to go from idea to feasible concept to actually launching in just 27 days!

The Side Hustle Guide: Build a Successful Side Hustle and Increase Your Income
By Bola Sokunbi
Bola Sokunbi is an amazing finance expert and runs an awesome platform called Clever Girl Finance. Instead of just jumping in with the practical steps, Bola starts by helping you build up your confidence and increase your focus so that you have a solid foundation to work from. Then, you’ll dive into the nitty-gritty details of building your brand and creating a financial plan for yourself and your side hustle.
Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive
By Dorie Clark
If you’re a corporate gal that feels like entrepreneurship is so far out of your league, don’t fear, Dorie will map it all out for you. In Entrepreneurial You, you’ll find inspiring stories of entrepreneurs of all kinds from bloggers to consultants and podcasters. Nothing is off the table! As a successful entrepreneur and professor, Dorie is a great teacher and will show you the ins and outs of working for yourself.

100 Side Hustles: Unexpected Ideas for Making Extra Money Without Quitting Your Day Job
By Chris Guillebeau
Since I mentioned earlier that Chris Guillebeau is the master of side hustling, I just had to throw in one more of his books, as I’ve read them all and would recommend everything that he’s written. For those of you that learn best from examples and like to see what others are doing, this one is a must-read. Essentially, the book is full of case studies of real-life side hustlers and their stories. If you are struggling to come up with an idea, this will give you tons of inspiration. In fact, with so many possibilities, the hard part might be narrowing it down and choosing just one!
$1,000 100 Ways: How Real People Make Real Money on the Side (and how you can too)
By Nick Loper
Now, if you liked the idea of 100 Side Hustles, you’ll love this one too. Nick will take you through examples of side hustlers and will give you the details on how they came up with the idea, how much it cost, their mistakes, marketing strategies, and how long it took them to be able to make $1,000. In the book, Nick mentions a frightening statistic that 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in a savings account and that side hustling can be a great way to add additional financial margin to your life.

If you have a full-time job and any sort of social life or other activities, you’re probably wondering how other women seem to do it all. The key, my friend, is planning. If you’re not a planner by nature, now is the time to give it a try. Using a goal-setting digital planner or a yearly digital planner will help you to organize your ideas, plan out all of your tasks, and help you flourish and move towards your big dreams and goals in life. You might not be able to “do it all” but you can definitely do a lot, especially when you approach your life and schedule with intentionality and planning.