5 iPad Hacks That Everyone Should Know

So, you’ve got an iPad! While you might know most of the basics, there are probably thousands of interesting features and iPad hacks that you’ve never even heard of or thought to try out. You don’t need to be a tech whiz or know everything, but being aware of a few extra features can help make your life easier, more productive, and let’s be honest, a lot more fun too, which is what we all want. Here are 5 iPad hacks that everyone should know.
Master Your Trackpad Movements
Most of us are experts when it comes to trial and error. Can you relate? Have you ever spent way too long trying to remember how to view your notifications or how to move between your recently viewed apps? Instead, by mastering a handful of basic trackpad movements, you’ll save yourself so much time and avoid unnecessary frustration. For example, if you scroll up from top to bottom you can see your notifications. Or, if you swipe right or left with three fingers you’ll be able to move between your most recent apps. Also, by swiping with two fingers you can scroll in either direction. And finally, you can use two fingers on the Home Screen to swipe down in order to get the Search Bar.
Find Free E-books
If you love reading, learning, and personal development then this is a hack that you will find yourself using on the regular. Books are great but if you’re reading a book a week, this can be an expensive habit. Fortunately, with the ePub format that you have on your iPad, you can use Project Gutenburg to access over 46,000 free books! Plus, if you just need a break after a super productive day, you can find a great novel to enjoy. To find books you can either use the search bar or search by recent releases or popular books.
Use a Split View On Your Screen
Have you ever needed to look at two pages at once on your iPad and you found yourself moving back and forth from one to the other? Ugh, so annoying. Either for work, while side hustling, or planning that much needed vacation, there are so many instances where you will need to look at two screens at once. To do this, it’s super easy, with Split View you can have two apps open and working at the same time. Once your first app is open, open the second one by sliding right to left. After this, continue to slide the divider to put it in the middle of your screen. Then, if you need to move apps, you can slide down from the top to change the app that is on the right side. Or, you might double click the Home button to change the app from the left side. Once you’re done, you can close the app by sliding the divider over the app that you’re finished using.
Know What Song You’re Listening to
You might not realize it, but on your iPad, Siri now is connected to Shazam. This means that whenever you’re out and about, just ask Siri what song is playing. It seems so simple, right? But, how many times have you been in a restaurant or coffee shop, heard a song and desperately tried to listen carefully enough to the lyrics so that you could try and Google it later. Now, there’s no need for that.
Upgrade Your to Do List Game
If you’re used to frantically making to do lists on scrap pieces of paper, get ready for an upgrade. There are so many helpful to do list apps that can fit seamlessly into your life to make you more productive and efficient. A few great options are TeuxDeux, Todoist, Remember the milk, Wunderlist, Notion, and OmniFocus. Even though it might take a little time to initially learn the app and set it up, over time, by having a set place for all your to do items, you’ll spend less time trying to remember what to do, and more time actually doing.
Finally, remember that it’s not about knowing tons of iPad hacks just for the fun of it, it’s about knowing and utilizing hacks that will allow you to be productive and have more time for the projects and things that matter most in life to you. Now, pick one of the hacks from the list above, give it a try and begin to flourish.