5 Wellness Tips You Need if You Work a 9-5 and a Side Hustle

If you’re busy hustling between your demanding 9-5 job and a time-consuming side hustle, you might feel like you just don’t have time for buzzwords like self-care. Amazingly, just taking 30-60 minutes a day, you can build strong wellness practices into your life that actually fill you with greater energy and make you more productive in everything else that you need to do.
Here are 5 Wellness Tips You Need if You Work a 9-5 and a Side Hustle
Create an Easy to Follow Fitness or Exercise Routine
If you can’t seem to stick to an exercise routine, you might be making it more complicated than it needs to be. The best fitness routines are often those that are easy to follow, fun, and consistent. For example, if you want to exercise 2 days a week to start, you could choose at the start of the week what you’ll do on each of those days. Let’s say you decide to work out on Monday and Wednesday. On Monday you could do a 20-minute pilates video on YouTube and Wednesday run for at least a mile. It’s easier to start simple and exceed your expectations than to plan to work out for an hour 7 days a week and never follow through. You can even use a Health & Wellness Digital Planner to write out your exercise plan ahead of time.

Allow Time for Fun (Even if You Have to Schedule It Ahead of Time)
Balancing a full-time job with a side hustle doesn’t mean that you can never chill out or have fun. It’s actually the opposite! As someone that is extremely hard-working, you should never feel guilty about enjoying life and rewarding yourself for your efforts. If you’re someone that feels like you need to be “productive” all the time, you might even consider “scheduling” fun time into your calendar. Not only does this give you something to look forward to during the day or week, but it also makes it more likely that you’ll actually do it. Don’t tell yourself that you’ll take a break “if you have the time.” Instead, make fun activities non-negotiable tasks in your daily routine. Another tip is to make a list of fun things that you’d love to do more but feel like you don’t have time for. Then, schedule them one by one into your calendar.
Find Simple Ways to Calm Your Mind
When you’re managing multiple jobs and responsibilities, learning to organize and relax your mind is one of the most important things you can do. When you’re overwhelmed do you ever feel like you just need to “hustle” more? Instead, consider working on your mindset and calming the mental madness. Journaling and meditation are both helpful tools for this. Using a Mindfulness Digital Planner you even have mindfulness journal prompts to get you started.
Enjoy Screen-Free Time
While we’re definitely big fans of going digital, it’s also important to recognize that we all need some screen-free time during the day. This is especially true if you do most of your 9-5 work and side hustle tasks on a computer or iPad. Think about what you could do to get yourself away from the screens for at least 30 minutes or an hour in the evening. This might look like taking a long walk and then ending the night with a warm shower or a bath. And, if you really want to indulge yourself, try treating yourself to a face mask or do the extra-long skincare routine that you’d love to do but never feel like you have time for.

Read Away Your Worries and Stress
Most people say that they would love to read more but just can’t seem to find the time. Do you ever feel this way? With the convenience and affordability of e-books, there is no reason that you can’t read at least a book per month. Whether it’s a suspense novel or the latest productivity how-to tips, reading is both fun and relaxing. Plus, you can easily read for a few minutes during your lunch break or listen to an audiobook while you’re cooking dinner. Using 5-10 minute pockets of time during the day, you’ll find yourself giddy with anticipation as you wait for your next little reading break. Like the true productivity expert that you are, you can also set your own reading goals or reading lists.
Remember that the more responsibilities you have in your life, the more important it becomes to make time for wellness activities that feed your mind, body, and soul. You’re destined for great things and as you strike a balance between working hard and treating yourself well, the more you’ll find yourself able to flourish.