Do This on Sunday to Set Yourself up for a Great Week

The way you spend your Sunday’s can either make or break your week. This might sound a little dramatic, but believe me, being intentional about your Sunday’s can make the rest of your week so much more organized and less stressful. You’re probably on pins and needles waiting for this secret sauce so let me break it to you.
Do this on Sunday to set yourself up for a great week! What is it? Planning. It might seem basic but taking 10-30 minutes to plan out your week and month will save you so much time later on. Now, if you love the idea of planning but don’t know where to begin, no worries, we’ve got you covered. One of the most important pieces of planning is to break things down and to make everything as simple and easy as possible. So, let’s go through a few different areas of life that could use some planning.
We all know that saying we want to “get healthy” is easy in theory but tough to do in practice. This is where a health and wellness digital planner can be your new best friend. This will give you some needed structure to map out where you want to go and what you need to do to make it happen. This might include creating a meal plan for the week so that you have healthy and delicious meals on hand, or planning your workouts ahead of time. When we plan ahead and decide to do something, it eliminates the need to make a spur of the moment decision when we’re already tired during the week.
Having some sort of mindfulness practice is a great addition to your life. This could look like spending a few minutes writing down things that you’re grateful for or starting or ending the day with a quick guided meditation. You could also think of an affirmation that you want to write down each day. Just like with health and wellness, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just like to be on top of your game, think about getting a mindfulness digital planner to make the planning part as easy as possible.
Career/Side Hustle
Raise your hand if you ever feel stressed or overwhelmed by your job or side hustle (or both). Haha, it’s a trick question, we all do. But, taking the time to thoughtfully plan out the work week ahead will help you to say goodbye to the Sunday scaries and wake up Monday morning feeling like the boss woman that you are. With a digital planner you can plan out your day ahead hour by hour and even keep track of your goals and routines. And, if it feels like too much to plan out the whole week, think about 3 simple goals that you really want to achieve during the week. Or, just start with Monday and try planning one day ahead.
If you’re super uncomfortable talking about (or even thinking about) your finances you’re not alone. But, also realize that you are a smart, capable woman and the more you think about your money, the more you’ll feel empowered to make good decisions. Since this is such a taboo topic, you might find it easier to use a financial digital planner. This is a great tool to help you create a financial vision board and also track your expenses and income. If you’ve ever gotten to the end of the month and wondered how you spent so much, a quick weekly financial review can help you to avoid any unwanted surprises later on. And a little bonus tip is to keep a list of things that you’re interested in buying. Then, wait until the following Sunday and if you’re still super excited about it (and can afford it) then go ahead. By getting comfortable with waiting a few days before buying something and thinking through purchases, you can often lessen the impulse purchases that lead to regrets. Which will leave you with more money for the things that truly matter to you.
How to Structure Your Sunday Planning
Now that we’ve talked about each area, let’s spend a minute figuring out how to structure your planning session. First, if you’re able to, try to make it a habit so that it becomes part of your weekly Sunday routine. This might be Sunday evening right after dinner or even Sunday morning as you’re sipping your coffee. Whatever works for you. Also, you can even plan in as little as 10-15 minutes.
Then, think about what areas need planning. You can use the ones we talked about above and feel free to add any others relevant to your life. Finally, make it fun! If it’s a nice day, do it outside with a drink or while munching on a snack. Get excited because by planning your week you are making a statement that you believe in yourself and your dreams.
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