How to Use Your iPad to Plan Your Wellness Routine

Most of us start each year with high expectations for our health and wellness. Sadly, as our weeks fill up with other activities or we have a never-ending flow of work coming in, our wellness habits typically fall to the wayside. Fortunately, you don’t need to wait until January 1st to create habits and routines around health and wellness. Plus, you can even do all of your planning from the convenience of your iPad.

How to Use Your iPad to Plan Your Wellness Routine

If you’ve never used your iPad for planning your wellness, this can be a game-changer for you! Using the Flourish Health & Wellness digital planner, you can plan and track all of your fitness-related goals and routines in a single planner. We all know that the easier we make something, the more likely it is that we’ll actually follow through. Whether you’re at work or on the go, you can keep your iPad with you to meal plan for the week or remind yourself of what workout you have planned for today.

Goal Setting

With the “goals at a glance” page in the planner, you can start out by setting 3 goals for each of the areas of, fitness, nutrition, wellness, and others. If you don’t usually set concrete goals, this can be a good first step. Think about the big picture and where you want to be with your health and wellness in the next six months or year ahead. Then, decide what goals will help you to get to that destination.

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Workout Planning

I don’t know about you, but I find that not planning my workouts can cause so much unnecessary stress. I love knowing exactly what to do and really, there’s no need to spend 30 minutes looking up YouTube workouts whenever you work out. In the planner, you’ll find three great planning pages with a workout plan, a workout tracker, and an ideal week of workouts. This way, you can easily take 5-10 minutes at the start of the week and plan out everything for the week.

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Meal Planning

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of getting takeout too many days in a row or feeling stressed trying to throw a meal together with a mishmash of ingredients. Fortunately, when you start meal planning you’ll find that meals can be healthy, simple, quick, and most importantly, low stress. With the planner, you’ll find a grocery list, separated by each food category, a weekly meal plan page, and a page for brainstorming healthy meal ideas. When you have a weekly meal plan in place you’ll be more likely to eat at home, prepare healthy meals, and save money, which, who doesn’t want that?

Tracking Habits

Another key part of maintaining a wellness routine is tracking your habits. If you haven’t tried this before, a habit tracker is a place where you write down all of your daily or weekly habits, and then make a mark, x, or check each time that you complete the habit. Using a habit tracker is great because it helps you keep your habits top of mind. So often, we’ll say that we want to start a new habit but then will forget and not think about it for weeks or months. This way, with a habit tracker, it’s always right in front of you. Also, the practice of checking off those boxes when you complete a habit is so rewarding! Once you start, you won’t want to break your streak and this can motivate you to keep going.

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Monthly/Weekly Planning

Once you have your goals in place, you can start creating a monthly plan and then break things down even further into a weekly plan. Starting with a monthly plan, you can look at your entire calendar for the month, and make changes based on what days or weeks you are super busy. For example, if you see that you have a bunch of work deadlines the last week of the month, you might include longer workouts for the beginning of the month when you’ll have more time and shorter workouts for the end of the month.

Keep in mind that planning and routines will require some trial and error. We never create the perfect plan on the first try. Give it a go and see what works and what needs altering. Then, next month you can learn from this month and get better over time. While it’s certainly possible to create your own templates and plans, having a Health & Wellness planner is an affordable and super convenient way to move you forward in your wellness journey!