How You Can Use Your iPad to Plan and Improve Every Single Area of Your Life

Most people know that they want to improve their lives, but rarely take the steps to make it happen. We often know what we want, but aren’t focused or clear on action steps on how to get there. Using digital planners is a great way to give yourself the framework and structure that you need and crave to bring your ideas and goals into reality.
Let’s jump into practical ways that you can use iPad planners to improve each area of your life.
Health & Wellness
If you’re struggling in life, improving any area of your health and wellness can give you results that carry into every other part of your life. For example, starting a habit like walking for 30 minutes before or after work will give you clarity, and renewed energy that will help you feel more confident or have the motivation to work on your side hustle or perform your best at your job. An iPad planner template that you’ll love is the workout tracker or workout plan in the health & wellness digital planner. In this planner, you’ll also find a goal-setting template and meal planning template.
Remind yourself that you’re so much more likely to become the person that you want to be when you have a plan in place. Even if every part of your life feels like a mess, try starting with a simple fitness plan or healthy meals, and see how that change carries over into everything else.

Finances & Money
Another digital planner for iPad that you’ll want to try out is the money moves financial planner. While planning out your finances certainly isn’t as fun as planning other parts of your life, it’s one that is hugely important and is often overlooked. If you feel stressed just hearing the words, “money” or “finances” then you need this most of all! With this planner, you’ll receive templates for a financial vision board, a financial planning questionnaire, a notes page, and an income and expenses tracker. While this can feel intimidating at first, once you get started, it’s easier than you think.
Ask yourself where you want to be financially in the next few years or the next decade? And remember, this should be fun! You’re a smart woman and you deserve to be in the driver's seat when it comes to your money.

Career & Work
Most women in their 20s or 30s would say that their careers are extremely important to them. But, not all of us do a great job of planning in order to make the most of where we are now, and where we hope to go in the future. If you’re looking for one planner that seems to do it all to help with both your work and personal life, the undated digital planner is the place to start for digital planning on iPad.
You’ll find a variety of tracking templates for finances, your mood, and habits to keep yourself accountable and motivated! You can also create monthly vision boards, daily plans, weekly plans, and action plans to break down those big, scary goals into manageable tasks that you can actually follow through with. If you’ve been talking about getting a promotion, moving companies, or even starting something of your own, make this the year that you don’t just talk about it, but that you actually take steps to make it happen.

If you’re someone that wants to be a planner but just can’t get into it, you might prefer the daily mindfulness digital planner or the reading digital planner. While planning your career or big life goals can feel difficult at first, it might help to start with an area like reading or mindfulness that feels more playful or fun. With a reading planner, you can create a reading vision board, track what you’ve been reading, write down your favorite notes or quotes, and even write your own reviews for the books that you're reading.
When you need to plan, but want the planning process to feel relaxed and stress-free, the daily mindfulness planner is streamlined with fun templates for journaling, affirmations, and gratitude.
Or, if you feel like you have too much on your plate, adding in a few minutes of journaling and affirmations can be just what you need to calm your body and to remind yourself that everything is going to be ok.

Choosing the right digital planner on iPad is simple but will be different for everyone as we all have different goals and areas of priority in our lives. Take a minute to think about your own life and choose the planners that will help you to reach your biggest goals. Wherever you’re starting from is amazing, it’s not how far you are now, it’s about how much you’re willing to grow and learn that matters most.