September Goals & Productivity Motivation

August slipped away like a bottle of wine…literally. September is here and there are just 4 months remaining in 2020. Where did the freaking time go?! I’ve been thinking a lot about my goals and what exactly I want for the end of 2020. Usually around this time of year, I like to re-visit the goals I made at the beginning of the year and start engraining back in healthy habits that maybe got lost in translation. This is a great way to set yourself up with a solid routine before the chaos of the holidays ensues.
September is ALL about bringing it back to the basics. We all have those things that we know make us feel good, mentally and physically. And that is what this month is all about.
For the month of September I want to:
Wake up at 6:30AM during the week and workout (ME TIME).
I used to be so good about waking up early and getting my workout in. It makes me feel so good and confident waking up early and getting in a workout. It seriously makes me feel amazing. Knowing that I woke up and did it, even though it was hard, is such a satisfying feeling. Not to mention after workouts, I can slip in some yoga and meditation practice. This is just a great time to do things for me and my body. It’s a great time for self care and self love at the beginning of the day. It can be so hard to wake up in your cozy bed and have the motivation to not only wakeup, but workout. But we have to remember our goals ladies! Who do we want to be? Who is the person we are trying to become? The morning is a vital time to wake up and work on yourself, for yourself.
Stay consistent with flourish planner (AUTHENTIC social media posts, Etsy listings, blogs, etc.)
I want to stay consistent with growing this new business. I am SO excited to share so many things on this platform, but let’s be honest. Posting on instagram can be stressful! Does it look good? Is the lighting okay? Will this match my feed? Does anyone care? Is anyone reading? But we have to stop that lack mindset. Posting is about being creative and helping others. It is a way to connect with people and really try to inspire others. It is so important to be authentic and to create a platform that resonates with you!
Practice mindfulness daily (meditation, yoga, breathing, visualization, affirmations, etc.)
Taking time for grounding exercises is SO important. I seriously cannot stress this enough. Practicing yoga, meditation, visualization, and affirmations will help to keep you in touch with yourself. This will help you to not get too overwhelmed and to go with the flow of life. Plus if you are trying to manifest something in your life, slowing down and using these techniques will help you to get there.
Keep up with balanced diet (love your body)
I just want to keep up bringing in more micronutrients into my diet. I’ve been LOVING my new Tropeka superfoods. I am usually pretty good about eating healthy, but lately I’ve been slacking a bit and I notice in how I feel. When you fuel your body with healthy foods, you feel your best, highest self. You start to walk around with a different attitude and an edge to you. There is great confidence that comes from taking care of yourself. Even if it’s just having one green smoothie, or a veggie scramble. That little act of self-love can do wonders for your mental health. Let’s just stay balanced, eat healthy, don’t restrict, and love our bodies.
These are some of my September goals. I would LOVE to hear yours. Seriously, I love hearing from you all. Let me know on Instagram @flourishplanner what your goals are for the month!