Mindfulness Bundle
Mindfulness Bundle

Mindfulness Bundle


Daily Planner →

This is *your* day. With our planner, make it one that feels perfect for *you*. Keep track of your morning and evening routines, write down what you’re grateful for, and yes! Make sure that to-do list is accomplished. With space for daily affirmations, this planner is designed to dream and get ‘er done.

Manifestation Journal →

Stop and tap into the abundance that’s right inside you by slowing down with our manifestation journal, designed to help you settle into the moment and set an intention for how you’d like to show up and what it will look like. A simple way to stay mindful and present, because we all need more of that.

Stickers for Balance →

Motivate your mind and leave a special note that makes you smile later, because happy days are ahead. With quotes for work/life balance and mindful living, they’re yours to customize. You can’t use too many.